What are the applications of LIDAR sensing technology
Author: Neuvition, IncRelease time:2021-02-26 05:37:56
According to the survey, most companies currently focus on the field of unmanned vehicles, robots, and unmanned vehicle LIDAR as their main research directions. The traditional mechanical LIDAR has gradually changed to solid state LIDAR. In the future, solid-state, small, low-cost LIDAR will be the focus of all enterprises.
solid state LIDAR applications
With the in-depth study of LIDAR technology by the international community, the superiority of this emerging technology has become more and more obvious, and it has its unique advantages in various industries. The following will list leading technologies in several main application areas.
The granularity of camera recognition is relatively high, and rich texture colors can be obtained, so it can achieve refined recognition. At this point, LIDAR is not as good as camera. The biggest disadvantage of the camera is that it is greatly affected by ambient light. In scenarios such as strong light exposure, bright and white objects, and low night light environments, it is difficult for the collected data to perform effective and reliable environmental perception through algorithms.

LIDAR is active through laser detection and imaging, not affected by ambient light, and directly measures the distance and orientation, depth information, and reflectivity of objects. The algorithm first recognizes obstacles and then classifies them. The accuracy and reliability of recognition far exceed those of cameras, and the computational resources consumed are lower than those of cameras.

The LIDAR hardware and the AI perception algorithm developed for autonomous driving can complete tasks such as identifying surrounding obstacles, detecting road edges, and performing high-precision positioning. It can also achieve classification and labeling and divide obstacles into trucks and cars, pedestrians, bicycles, etc.
With the rapid development of the domestic security field, the security system is becoming more and more integrated, multi-functional, and intelligent. The traditional single-camera mode can no longer fully satisfy the increasingly complex, diversified, and multi-functional security environment. Requirements. The addition of LIDAR provides new solutions and new functional supplements for security integrators and customers. Compared with traditional security monitoring systems, laser radar-based security solutions can not only meet customer-based protection and alarm functions but also enhance the in-depth needs of customers and have greater advantages.
LIDAR is useful in many places. For example, millimeter-wave radar can accurately detect lane-level and millisecond-level data. This detection is microscopic, but also real-time and accurate. It can be used for real-time induction control of signal light controllers. Adaptive control and green waveband control are also the basis for the future realization of vehicle-to-vehicle network collaboration.