What are the advantages of LiDAR?

Author: Neuvition, IncRelease time:2021-11-12 08:17:11

Compared with ordinary microwave radar, LiDAR has a series of unique advantages. The advantages of LiDAR are introduced below.

1. High resolution

LiDAR has extremely high angle, distance and speed resolution. First of all, the angular resolution is high. Due to the short working wavelength, a very high resolution can be obtained with a small optical receiving aperture. For example, at a distance of 100km, only a 100cm optical receiving aperture can distinguish two targets 1m apart. Secondly, the distance resolution is high. Using the pulse ranging method, since the laser pulse width can be in the order of picoseconds, the range resolution is millimeter-level. A practical satellite rangefinder has adopted a pulse width of 0.1nm, and its range resolution is up to 2cm. Again, the speed resolution is high. Because of its short working wavelength and high Doppler frequency sensitivity, LiDAR has extremely high velocity resolution, and its velocity resolution has reached the millimeter per second level. With the extremely high resolution of LiDAR, a variety of images can be obtained, such as the radiation geometric distribution image of the target reflected laser, the range gating image, and the velocity image.

2. Good concealment

The laser propagates in a straight line, has good directivity, and the beam is very narrow. It can only be received on its propagation path. Therefore, it is very difficult for the enemy to intercept. The launch system (transmitting telescope) of the LiDAR has a small aperture, and the receivable area is narrow, so it is intentionally launched. The probability of laser interference signal entering the receiver is extremely low. When LiDAR is working at ultra-low altitude or low altitude, it can not only track normally, but also obtain clear images.

3. Strong anti-active interference ability

Unlike microwave radar, which is susceptible to electromagnetic waves that are widely present in nature, there are not many signal sources that can interfere with LiDAR in nature. Therefore, LiDAR has a strong ability to resist active interference and is suitable for increasingly complex and intense Work in an information warfare environment.

4. Good low-altitude detection performance

Due to the influence of various ground object echoes, there are some areas that cannot be detected at low altitude, that is, there are blind areas in certain areas. For LiDAR, only the illuminated target will reflect, and there is no influence of ground object echo, so it can work at “zero altitude”, and its low-altitude detection performance is stronger than that of microwave radar.

5. Lightweight and dexterous

Usually ordinary microwave radars are bulky, the mass of the entire system is recorded in tons, and the antenna diameter alone can reach several meters or even tens of meters. The diameter of the LiDAR transmitting telescope is generally at the centimeter level, and the mass of the entire system is only tens of kilograms. Moreover, the structure of the LiDAR is relatively simple, not only light and dexterous, but also easy to erect and disassemble. Compared with ordinary microwave radar, the price is also cheaper.