What are the applications of LiDAR (二)

Author: Neuvition, IncRelease time:2021-12-31 01:56:35

In the previous article, we have introduced the importance and advantages of LiDAR to us, so we won’t talk about it, and we will go directly to the topic. In addition to the above fields, there are actually many areas where LiDAR can be used, such as: VR/AR, Smart transportation, ocean exploration and fishery resource monitoring, etc.


VR/AR has also become popular in recent years, and the market prospects are impressive. Products such as VR all-in-ones and smart glasses are already on the market, and the applications of AR glasses and AR headsets are also very wide.

In games that use AR headsets, the space-aware positioning technology used will use LiDAR and many supporting optical sensors. Through SLAM technology (real-time positioning and map construction), you can accurately locate your position in three-dimensional space. , To enhance the sense of real experience in the game.

Smart transportation

As the population of big cities continues to grow, urban traffic has also become more crowded, which requires future traffic to be more “smart”. The rapid development of the Internet of Things, sensors, and artificial intelligence has made these a reality. Information technology, sensor technology, communication technology and other technologies are widely used in the field of transportation.

LiDAR is useful in many places. For example, millimeter-wave radar can accurately detect lane-level and millisecond-level data. This detection is microscopic, but also real-time and accurate. It can be used for real-time induction control of signal light controllers. , Adaptive control and green wave band control are also the basis for the future realization of vehicle-to-vehicle network collaboration.

Ocean exploration and fishery resource monitoring

In recent years, environmental issues have attracted widespread attention, and the protection of the marine environment has become a consensus. As an advanced marine exploration and monitoring method, marine LiDAR has become the mainstream.

The applications of LiDAR and marine organisms are mainly reflected in two aspects: fishery resource survey and marine ecological environment monitoring. The former often uses blue-green pulsed light as the excitation light source, and obtains fish distribution area and density information by identifying and extracting laser echo signals, and combining polarization characteristic analysis to identify fish species; the latter often uses marine laser fluorescence radar , Through the detection and analysis of the fluorescence and other spectral signals emitted by the laser-induced target to obtain the type and concentration distribution information of marine plankton and chlorophyll.

Summary: LiDAR is a new technology. In addition to the above-mentioned fields, there is still more room for expansion in the future. Different scenarios require different requirements. For LiDAR, it is a bit obvious and has shortcomings, such as weather Factors have a large impact and a narrow spatial search range. For now, there is still room for improvement in the use of LiDAR in unmanned driving. As the technology matures, the future market can be expected.