Which LiDAR Sensing Technology is the Most Popular Route?
Author: Release time:2021-05-17 02:01:06
In recent years, the LiDAR market has become extremely hot and a lot of new players swarm into this market. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 70 competitors in the LiDAR market. In the face of complicated LiDAR sensing technology routes, imaging and detection distance are the core key factors.
LiDAR imaging technologies include mechanical, MEMS, OPA (optical phased array), Flash.
LiDAR ranging techniques include pulse, FMCW (frequency modulated continuous wave), and phase-shift range finding.
With the verification of the market, the disadvantages of mechanical LiDAR sensing technology will become increasingly apparent, and the market sales of mechanical LiDAR will gradually decline.
The key advantages of MEMS LiDAR sensing technology mainly include its compact size, good performance and reliability, and controllable cost space. Although some moving parts are still used, the solid-state structure can greatly improve the reliability of LiDAR. For automotive-grade sensor products, the MEMS LiDAR sensing technology route is the first choice.
Flash LiDAR sensing technology completely cuts off the moving parts, and its reliability is higher, but under the existing technology, its detection range is still a big shortcoming.
For the choice of laser sources, most LiDAR companies use 905nm edge emitters and avalanche photodiodes (APD) because these parts can be purchased in large quantities. 905nm laser is cheap, low resolution, short detection distance, non-human eye safe wavelength. Mass commercial applications will hit a bottleneck. Some companies, such as Luminar and Neuvition, use 1550nm fiber lasers, which can penetrate dust and dense fog, adapt to harsh climates, has the strong penetrating ability, long detection distance, and safety for human eyes. Those superior performances make it the essential role for cost-effective LiDAR sensing products and make it the first choice for customers.
Neuvition high-resolution solid-state LiDAR sensor, a worldwide pioneer of solid-state LiDAR, and the first professional manufacturer of solid-state high-resolution LiDAR based on the MEMS+1550m technology route.
l High resolution: 480-700 lines
l High precision: up to ±5mm
l Long distance: the farthest effective detection distance is 600 meters
l 1550nm high-resolution Titan M1 series; single-line and multi-line LiDAR sensors are available.
#Titan M1, Neuvition’s star product (can be used for V2X/CVIS, smart highway, smart light poles, etc.)
#Titan M1-A, high precision (can be used for industrial machine vision, 3D surveying, and mapping, etc.)
#Titan M1-R, long distance (can be used for railway detection, V2X/CVIS, smart highway, smart light poles)
#Titan M1-Pro, wide field of view (can be used for the main vehicle LiDAR)
#Titan M1-L, light weight (can be used for drone-based 3D surveying and mapping, etc.)
#Titan M1-I, with touch screen (portable LiDAR, combining LiDAR, computer, and display into one)